I thought I'd share some recent projects I've done since my disappearing a few months ago. I did sew during that time I was gone, I promise! First up is a bag I made my mother for her birthday. It is from a pattern I bought a long time ago and I don't have it handy right now to tell you the name of it. It had two sizes of bag patterns inside and I made the larger one, thinking she may use it to take to her once-a-month sew day with her friends or on vacation. She liked it. After I finished it, I wished I would've paid more attention to how the squares on the pocket were going to end up because, as you can probably see, I had two of the same print together, but live and learn. I love making bags and this was a fun one to make, but a little time-consuming. It's ok - she's worth it. I'd make it again.
Next is a set of coasters that I made for us with our initials on the tabs. Cort actually got the green one with the star button so we wouldn't get it confused with Cidney's. He knows his is the one with the star.
And then there's this little picture plaque I made for the mothers and grandmothers for Mother's Day. They were from this tutorial on Little Birdie Secrets. I think I made 5 of these and still need to make one for us to have at home. I also made some dish towels that were inspired from this picture on flickr.com. Forgot to take pictures of them.
Here are some little cosmetic bags I made for the mothers at church for Mother's Day. I love making little things like this and I love doing things in an assembly line, so these really didn't take that long to finish.
And, last but not least, something I did not make, but that my mother did. It's a stuffed scottie dog made out of squares (5"?) It was for her nephew, my 2nd cousin, Ethan for his 1st bday.
Here he is
and here it is, held by my sweet nephew, Drake. (How many cute kids can one family have, I ask you?)

Ok, I better go get dinner started. I should've done that 45 minutes ago. Now Brad got called out to work and won't get to eat it until late tonight. Cidney's in the kitchen making peanut butter blossoms (yum) so we'll have to fight for cooking space. Tomorrow, I will show you the I Spy quilt that Conner's memaw made him for his first birthday. See you then!